Dr. Gustavo M. Sosa, Founder, INBIOAR

Dr. Gustavo M. Sosa

A biological sciences and agricultural technology entrepreneur, Dr. Gustavo Sosa teaches plant biochemistry at the University of Del Salvador and has mentored master's and doctoral students. He holds an engineering degree in forest science from the National University of Santiago del Estero and a doctorate in biochemistry from the National University of Rosario. During his postdoctoral studies at The Ohio State University, he founded many businesses in Argentina with the help of businessmen from the United States and Argentina. He is a technology startup consultant and mentor, and has directed INBIOAR since its inception with capital partners in 2010.


Dr. Gustavo began his work as a forest engineer because he was fascinated by science. He has always been fascinated with plant biochemistry. Since then, he has worked tirelessly in his career. Throughout his Ph. D., he was nearly at a party doing what he loved most: experiments on his bench. He had the fortunate fortune to undertake two postdoctoral fellowships, one in Argentina and the other at The Ohio State University. After the postdoc, as a "fortunate guy," he began his entrepreneurial life since that is what it is: a life committed to a firm. After 12 years with INBIOAR, he still can't believe his firm is well-known throughout the world. It is a dream come true.


Dr. Sosa describes himself as a persistent and resilient person. During his professional life, his instructors have influenced him in every manner of life. His mentors more recently were his peers from diverse professions. They were his mentors who simply set an example of the kind of person they are while imparting knowledge to him. He currently works in a highly driven workplace with intelligent, humorous, and restless individuals who devote their lives to their professions. Sharing a talk, a desk, a goal, and driving the business forward as a team is incredibly motivating for him. Seeing the passion and devotion in the eyes of his peers gives him true joy. Learning new things from the people around him and getting to know more and more in life gives him true joy in his life.


INBIOAR S.A. is a startup that works in the field of agricultural drug discovery. It has been committed to using plant natural components or extracts to find novel active substances and products for the agroindustry. They have created a method at INBIOAR to screen the flora and discover in the flora certain plants with the capacity to manufacture agrochemicals like bio-herbicides, bio-insecticides, bio-fungicides, and bio-stimulants. As they all originate from plants, they are all biological. They do research and development. Agrochemicals are not something they make. They deliver the prototype to the industry once they have one. And the industry is in charge of turning the prototype into a finished, marketable product. INBIOAR currently has partnerships with the whole world's industry. They use a two-step process to locate plants. One is currently in the field choosing the plants. The second is in the lab where they decide whether or not to reject a plant extract before moving on or not with more study. INBIOAR has achieved a lot of success with that technique and even has received a US patent. They have developed significant experience in research and technology transfer related to herbicides and bio-herbicides over the years.


Dr. Sosa created INBIOAR as an idea that came one day as a thought to him as it was only a transcript and a concept in a paper, he began it from scratch. The company's entire human staff is his greatest accomplishment. Also, the company's current worldwide standing is a significant accomplishment. They are a well-known business worldwide. That is a very long journey from the first draft until the situation they are in now. Because of the expertise they possess, their staff is incredibly strong and sturdy. Having wise specialists that assist with task has made them exceed expectations. Because their investment group has supported them from the beginning, they are dependable. INBIOAR is an excellent team. It developed from a very that initial point. The team has accomplished a great deal.


Talking about the memorable moments Dr. Sosa says that he has a lot of them to remember, he remembers when he gave Maria Luca Travaini the job to work with him. She was the one who first joined them. She completed her Ph. D. at INBIOAR as a graduate student for two weeks, and she is currently the CEO in Argentina. Her efforts helped the organization grow in many different areas. Dr. Sosa teaches plant biochemistry as a professor at the Universidad del Salvador. Two of his past students work with his firm. Another unforgettable occasion was when they invited him to join his company and pursue a Ph. D. He recalls the memorable occasion when the investor family office, which has supported their business from the start, volunteered to help him with his job. And they continue to help them in many other ways. Of course, dealing with the worldwide industry as a corporation is a memorable occasion, and the outcomes that they have in the lab are all unforgettable moments. Yet without teamwork, nothing is possible. For him, unforgettable events are associated with the individuals he works with.


Challenges come in every path of life Dr. Sosa says. Nowadays, difficulties and challenges are associated with growth. INBIOAR must expand by building its units in many nations. They have learned that the team is the heart of each firm, thus they must recruit the proper people in each location to launch INBIOAR. What they are doing at their firm is teaching young professionals in the hopes that they will be the seeds in other countries, gathering around them the proper individuals to flourish in other countries with the same "spirit" that they have at INBIOAR. 


“The love we have for what we do is the power we need to convert our reality into our ideal” 

In any business, dreams are the fuel. Even a remote prospect of realizing a dream strengthens you and provides you with the necessary energy. You are so near to the dream that you exert extraordinary effort. As Steve Jobs addressed at Stanford- “we must be passionate about what we do”. When Dr. Sosa watched the young scientists who work with him getting their Ph. D. and doing what they do, it makes him one of the happiest people on the planet. They gained while working in his firm and are now experts with extensive knowledge of what they are doing and what is better for them. 


Bio-herbicides are difficult to come by. The entire globe is working in this direction, and they believe they will be included because they have a few prototypes to share with the industry. Yet, the industry does not anticipate only a new biological molecule. They require a good field impact, and a low manufacturing standard, and as a biological source, they demand environmentally safe goods. They are still a long way from that goal, but they are making progress. Natural components are frequently used as starting points for subsequent laboratory efforts to create more bioactive molecules. They have not yet developed this area but want to do so in the future. INBIOAR is dedicated to maintaining a much less polluted, healthier world. Their botanical components help to integrate sustainable crop protection techniques. The global market for biologicals is growing, and they have a vital role to play in it.


Giving guidance and having guidance in one’s life is important because it makes a person’s mind clear that what he should do in order to achieve his goals. Building a strong connection and making efforts to work cohesively is what it takes to succeed. Form a group. Form a strong team. Build trusting ties with each of them. Recruit the smartest men to your squad. Don't let that frustration fester within the team; it is an extremely damaging force that will destroy it. Treat each one with respect. Pay close attention to what each one requires. Be precise while establishing your goals. Never be inflexible. Look for a method to make each goal a team goal. By doing that, you may arrange to have the crew you need to travel to the moon. In life, there will be situations that are going to make certain changes to one’s life, but one must stay focused to achieve the goal. 


INBIOAR has the potential to grow into a worldwide business. They intend to continue their mission of finding and selecting plants that produce bio-agrochemicals in India, Africa, and Australia. Right now, the US, Paraguay, and Chile are on their minds. In order to provide the sector with improved tools for crop protection, they must broaden the boundaries of INBIOAR. In order to grow their concept and support the local industry with the plants they already have there, they are looking for partners in each nation. Every day, they view the plants. Every season, they attempt to destroy them, but certainly do not since INRIOAR can make bio-agrochemicals from them. This enables them to provide their services to national and international businesses interested in creating innovative crop protection products using the native flora of their nations or areas.